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Tolethorpe class - Year 5

Welcome to Summer Term in Tolethorpe Class 2022-23


Welcome to our new term, where we will start our Ryhall Pilot Training, where we will fly over fields and fields of knowledge; looking at the local area, rivers and making our way around the world.

As Historians, we will look at all things Rutland and our local area; looking into how it has changed over the last 100 years and what these changes have meant for our current day community. We will delve into the history of Rutland water and how it came to be, looking at the beautiful ospreys that reside there. In term 5, we will visit the Osprey Centre at Rutland Water, to get the chance to spot the amazing Ospreys and learn a lot more information about the adventures they've been on. We will be able to see for ourselves and have a little spy on the Ospreys, learning why the environment is perfect for these majestic birds. Our History learning will also allow us to look into the history of the politics of the local area and how that has changed over the last century, really delving into every little detail. As Geographers we will be using atlases, globes and maps of different scales to locate different parts of our local area and wider surroundings. Our new knowledge will help us to follow the journey of the Osprey all the way to the west coast of Africa, studying the difference in climate and why the Osprey moves around the world at different times of the year. As we develop our understanding of why they do this we will learn more about different climates and habitats.

Within Maths, we will be carrying on looking at all things decimals, really mastering the skills needed when using decimals in the real world. We will also look at shape, their properties, position and direction and volume, exploring the features of 2D/3D shapes and why these skills are vital for understanding the world around us. We will learn the skills of converting metric units and start to work with imperial units as a further challenge.

As Scientists, we will be looking at different types of forces, starting with air resistance and water resistance using lots of practical experiments to look into these. This will lead to investigating opposing forces that impact different objects and also do some work with pulleys and levers, gaining a great understanding of how they operate. In Term 6 we will move onto Earth and Space, studying the sun, moon, Earth as spherical bodies. Learning about the supersonic solar system. This topic will be supported by our exciting trip to the Space Centre in Leicester, which will include lots of learning all about the Earth, Sun and Moon.  

In PE this term, the pupils will be involved in Quadkids Athletics and we will be starting out expressing ourselves through the medium of dance, learning a dance to perform on May Dance Day in Term 5. In Term 6, pupils will get the chance to improve their skills within Striking and Fielding through various games and develop & grow skills within Tennis. They will also get the chance to practice ready for this year’s Sports Day!

All things ART! Pupils of Year 5 will be developing their observational drawing skills, by looking at perspective, light and reflections. Together, we will learn to improve our ability to work with watercolours to create effective pieces of art work based around our theme 'Location, Location, Location'. We will also look into how to create a drawing in one-point perspective and then move on to look at the work of Peter Thorpe, who creates some beautiful space art. In D&T we will learn and use Pulleys and Levers to create a simple mechanism which will help with an everyday task as well as creating a bag, using a range of mediums to design it.  

 I will continue to keep you up to date with our learning developments and give general messages and reminders out on Class Dojo.  'Knowledge Organisers' which are available for key subjects continue to be available on Class Dojo.  These contain some key facts regarding our term's learning; it is important for children to know these - these can be used for homework as well as within class. I will make sure any homework is set on Seesaw on a Friday and due back the following Friday. 

I continue to value working in partnership with you, so please do keep in touch. If you have any problems at all, please contact me via Class Dojo or by email: s.grant@ryhall.pdet.org.uk

Mrs Grant, Tolethorpe Class Teacher 



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