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Safeguarding at our school

Safeguarding is very important in our school and we have specially trained members of staff to ensure we are keeping all children safe.

Role Staff Member Contact details
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr Alan Reed (Principal) 

Email: office@ryhall.pdet.org.uk 


Phone: 01780 762447

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Mrs D Jesson (Assistant Head Teacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Mrs C Hicks
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Mrs E Jagger
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Mrs L Garwood
 Safeguarding Governor:  Mrs A Rogers (Chair of Governors)

 A copy of our safeguarding policy can be found on our Policies page.

What to do if you have concerns about a child or family

Speak with one the safeguarding leads at school.

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child you can contact the Children's Duty Team of the Local Authority. if you know the postal address of the child you should contact the local authority in which they live. 

Rutland County Council - click here or call 01572 758407

Lincolnshire County Council - click here or call 01522 782111

You may decide to contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

If you believe a child is in immediate danger then don't delay and call the POLICE on 999. 

What to do if you have concerns about an adult

If you have concerns in relation to an adult's behaviour, contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).

To get in touch with Rutland's LADO:

  • email: lado@rutland.gov.uk
  • call: 01572 758 454

We have a policy on safeguarding concerns or allegations made against adults which you can find on our Policies page 

Safeguarding themes and further information for parents / carers

Private Fostering

Have you agreed to have someone else's child stay with you? Are you a parent who has asked someone to take in your child? Do you think this arrangement may go on for 28 days or more, even with occasional breaks?

If the answer to these questions is 'yes' you may have made a private fostering arrangement.

This applies to all young people aged under 16 and all disabled young people aged under 18. It applies to all children living in the UK no matter which country they come from – even if they plan to return home one day.

It is not private fostering if a child goes to stay with a grandparent, an aunt or uncle, a brother or sister or a stepparent. It is not private fostering if the child is just going to be away for a one-off period of a few days or even a week or two.

If you have made a private fostering arrangement you must do the following:

  • If you are the parent or carer then you must tell Children's Services six weeks before the child moves in
  • If the child is already living with the carer or about to arrive then let them know immediately
  • If you are in any doubt about whether or not what you are doing is private fostering, call for advice
  • If you have any concerns about the welfare of any child don't delay call now
  • If you work with young people and families and become aware of a private fostering arrangement you should advise the parent or carer to inform Children's Services and you should pass on their details


The School Nurse Service is an all year round nurse-led health provision which promotes the holistic health of the school-aged population and is a central and accessible point of contact for children, young people and their families, to promote and support physical, emotional and social needs.

Parents can contact the Team in the following ways:

By talking to the school - we can make a referral for you if you wish or

Contacting the Rutland School Nursing Team Office:

  • The Children’s Community House, Melton Mowbray Hospital, Thorpe Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1SH

  • Tel: 01664 855561

The school nursing website and other useful health related information is available by clicking on the image below (or go to www.healthforkids.co.uk )


Web links for other useful organisations

www.lwa.org.uk (Living Without Abuse support)

www.uava.org.uk - Domestic Violence helpline 0808 802 0028

www.adhdsolutions.org - ADHD solutions 0116 2610711

www.visionsccc.co.uk (Rutland Children's Centres)

www.youngminds.org.uk (Support for children's mental health and wellbeing concerns & issues)

www.familylives.org.uk or 0808 800 2222 (Support for all aspects of family life)

www.understandingchildhood.net (Information on children's emotional and behavioural development)

www.winstonswish.org.uk  and www.thelauracentre.org.uk (Supporting bereaved children)


Safeguarding Information Documents

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