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Hambleton class - Year 6

Welcome to Hambleton Class -  'Hambleton Heroes'


We can't quite believe we're already at the start of Term 5!  We have lots of exciting work to complete over the next few weeks and we are hoping that you will bring a fantastic attitude to your learning; showing determination, positivity and resilience in all you do.

At the start of this Summer term we will be in revision mode in preparation for our ‘Quiz Week’ in May. We will continue to teach the curriculum but will also be polishing our reading, maths, grammar, punctuation and spelling skills in readiness.

While SATs are important, they are not the sole measure of a child's abilities or potential. Every child is unique, and their worth should not be defined solely by their test scores. Encourage your child to do their best, but also remind them that their value extends far beyond their academic achievements.

We will then become intrepid explorers and trek through the jungles of Central America to discover about the fascinating lives of the ancient Maya. We will use a range of sources to discover how they lived, their beliefs and customs. This term is varied and exciting, with plenty of opportunities to enhance the curriculum. As this is the children’s final term in primary school we hope to make it exciting and memorable for them.  

By now, you're getting more used to the idea of Knowledge Organisers which are available for both our theme and for core subjects – hopefully you are finding these useful. These are always made available via Dojo for your reference - please look out for these at the start of the term.  Parents, please do encourage your child to regularly review these at home - it is important that they all learn and understand this knowledge and have further opportunity to discuss it with you at home as will help them to be able to verbalise the knowledge they are learning in class.

We will continue to keep parents up to date with our learning developments and give out general messages and reminders out on Class Dojo on a daily basis, so do remember to turn on your notifications and continue to check in frequently. We will continue to use SeeSaw for our weekly homework.

In order to see what we're covering in Term 5 and 6, take a look at the Medium Term Theme Plan for Parents below.

If you have any problems at all, please get in touch f.johnson@ryhall.pdet.org.uk or d.jesson@ryhall.pdet.org.uk We both look forward to continuing working with you and your amazing Hambleton Heroes.

Finally, a quick reminder that PE will take place on a Tuesday and Friday and that children will be outside, weather permitting. Can we also remind you that children will need a different jumper to wear for PE and also tracksuit/jogging bottoms are a good idea to have in the PE bag until the weather starts to get a little warmer.

There will be lots of other exciting learning opportunities this term for your children and as always we greatly appreciate your help and support.

Team Hambleton



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