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The Academy Governance Committee (AGC) have delegated responsibility for admissions in our school and are therefore responsible for all admissions. All places are allocated in accordance with our Admissions Policy which you will find below. 

Admission to Reception

Children are able to start at Ryhall CE Academy in the September following their 4th birthday. Applications for reception can be made in the autumn term. The deadline is 15th January.

Applications must be made through the local authority where you live: Rutland School Admissions


In Year Applications

Admission to any year group during the school year (known as in-year applications).

If you are interested in joining our school and would like to arrange a visit please contact the school office on 01780 762447.

To apply for an in-year school place at our school, please complete the application form linked below. All applications are managed by our Trust (rather than the Local Authority).

Apply for an in-year school place

You will be contacted within 15 school days to let you know if a place can be offered.  

How to appeal for a place at Ryhall Academy

If you have applied and been refused a place at our school (in any year group), you are entitled to appeal against that decision. Appeals for PDET academies are administered by The Diocese of Peterborough Education team. For more information on the process please see: Appeals - The Diocese of Peterborough. If you wish to appeal please contact: education@peterborough-diocese.org.uk and ask for an appeals pack.

The pack includes some explanatory notes about the process of Admission Appeals and a Notice of Appeal form that, should you decide to proceed with an appeal, will need to be completed and returned by email if possible, but if not, to the Diocesan Office instead.

Appeals in relation to September 2024 applications

Timetable for appeals - September 2024 applications

16th April 2024 National Offer Day
20th May 2024 (9:00 am) Deadline for lodging on-time appeals
Week commencing 17th June 2024 Notification of the hearing date and time and Statement of Case to be sent to appellants
24th June 2024 Deadline for additional evidence
Week commencing 8th July 2024

Appeal dates


Appeals will be heard on Zoom


Decision letters will be sent within 5 working days of the appeal hearing, subject to any unforeseen circumstances


Admission Policies



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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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